Welcome to
Diamond Tech

We offer solutions to the Data Collection and Automation problems that our clients face. We can work as an extension of your technical team thanks to our collaborative engineering strategy. By employing our current products or by creating fresh concepts and applications, we can technically and financially optimize solutions to meet your demands.

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About Us

Customized designs and engineering solutions for Data Collection, Automation, and Industrial Communications are Diamond Technologies' primary areas of expertise. Since 1997, Diamond Technologies has worked with a group of expert engineers to design, build, and maintain bespoke solutions for customers' unique and difficult requirements.

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Our Products

PC's and laptops

We are supplies of the bigest pc and laptop brands such as apple , hp, etc. we also supply pc and laptop parts.

Priners and Cartriges

we are suppliers of cormercial and domestic printers such as hp cenon and dell. Our cartiges also come with a 180-day money back garantee

Cellphones and Tablets

we are a leading retailer of cellphones and tablets of the worlds leading brands such as apple, samsunge and many more.


The full line of lighting products from Diamond Technologies gives your control system the eyes it needs to keep your logistics or industrial equipment running smoothly and safely.

Laser Marking

Our laser marking solutions bring value to automotive, metal tools, medical, electronics and packaging applications.

Remote Management

Diamond Technologies provides the most advanced cloud-based connectivity and software for managing connected products and machines using Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) applications.

Contact Us

Let our knowledgeable experts help you with any questions or inquiries,

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